sincerely wish to think Marc Hooghuys, always supportive and helpful, as well as Rob Barker, Ted Bowman,
Richard Broughton, Douglas Bush, Durward R. Center, Michel Chazot, Johnny Claes, Fred Dahlinger,
Jan Kees De Ruijter, Rudy Dermaux, Jacques Garnier, Stéphane Godfroid, Henk Hiddinga,
Bob Ince, Brian Indge, Koen Janse, Mike Kitner, Derek Londrigan, Peter Mackett, Egon Mars, Bob
McKanna, Wallace McPeak, Kevin Meayers, Joop G. Meijer, Tom Meijer,
Pierre Mylle, Filip Neirinck, Bill Nunn, Boz Oram, Arthur Prinsen, Keith Pritchett, Arthur R.
Reblitz, Robert Ridgeway, the Rorive family, Jasper Sanfilippo,
Agnes Schollaert-Camu, Graham Spencer, Murakami Taizou, Adam Tyler-Moore,
Philippe Vander Beken, Jan L.M. van Dinteren, Koen Van Nieuwenhuyze, Hans van Oost, the Vroman family, Andrew Whitehead, Roger Wiegand, Robert
R. Zins and many others. |